If you want to compile ffmpegĬonsider using VP9 and Opus instead of outdated VP8 and Vorbis: ffmpeg -i input -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus output.webmįor more info see FFmpeg Wiki: VP9 & anycodings_ffmpeg VP8. curl -LO įor Windows or macOS see FFmpeg anycodings_ffmpeg Download. You have two anycodings_ffmpeg optionsâÂÂdownload or compile: If you want to download ffmpegįor Linux and you can get it from anycodings_ffmpeg /ffmpeg/. Now you can get a more recent ffmpeg anycodings_ffmpeg that has libvpx, libvorbis (and anycodings_ffmpeg libopus). Sudo rm /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-nux.ro Remove the signing key you imported: sudo rpm -e gpg-pubkey-85c6cd8a-4e060c35 yum remove epel-release ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel Other Linux distributions need to be compiled on their own.Also, if you want to use GPU for hardware acceleration, you must compile FFmpeg yourself, so this section describes how to install FFmpeg from source code (based on RHEL/ Centos ). This should anycodings_ffmpeg also remove the third-party repository anycodings_ffmpeg you installed.
Uninstall the packages you installed anycodings_ffmpeg from the link you followed.